About us

Eco-containerwash was founded in 2020 by Mr J.A. Zwemer and focuses primarily on the sale and leasing of container cleaning systems. Production, installation and commissioning, service and maintenance and training are carried out in cooperation with Marine Systems B.V.

Mr Zwemer is director of the holding company Delmeco Group. He founded the organisation in 1996 and has since grown with the organisation to 120 employees and 6 operating companies. These operating companies supply a wide range of products and services from nuclear, (petro)chemical, industrial to maritime and offshore sectors. One of the operating companies is Marine Systems B.V.


In 2016 the project started with the development of a machine that cleans containers in an automated way (more about that development process on the Marine Systems B.V. website). First, the current process and method at various locations have been mapped out. This showed that compared to the ‘traditional washing method’ (manual cleaning of containers using a high pressure washer), there was a lot to be gained with an automated installation.

Because of the project’s potential, it was decided to set up a joint organisation for the product and to patent it. Subsequently, Eco-containerwash commissioned Marine Systems B.V. for the development and realisation of a prototype container cleaner. When the prototype was ready in 2018, the product was extensively tested by Marine Systems B.V. As a result of the test phase, the prototype was optimised and a test phase of 4 months took place at a container depot in Rotterdam.

After implementing some improvements, the product is now ready to enter the market.